Micro concrete staircase
The benefits of a micro concrete staircase
Beyond its functional role, a staircase can also be a piece of architecture in its own right. In interior design, it has the power to decorate and structure a space. Its lines, curves and geometry give it a unique graphic role.
A treatment in micro concrete can enhance or soften the presence of a staircase, giving it unity and emphasizing its shape. Then, by playing with colors, micro concrete can mark the contrast with its surroundings or, on the contrary, blend in with the walls or the continuity of the floor.
Micro concrete offers a rich palette of colors that can be applied to steps, floors and walls, indoors and out.
L’article “Un balcon sur la mer” du magazine Elle Décoration présente cette réalisation de l’entreprise LVbâtiment, imaginée par l’architecte Nancy Geernaert
Le choix du béton ciré pour les sols et la création des nouveaux carreaux en béton Carqis, spécialement imaginés pour cette occasion, forment un ensemble tout en élégance et en harmonie.
Inspiration Marius Aurenti
Sublime project in this Marseille house with a floor in Marius Aurenti waxed concrete in Colette blue; it offers perfect continuity between the rooms.
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