Micro concrete staircase
Creating a new staircase in waxed concrete
In new construction, the micro concrete staircase is designed on the basis of a reinforced concrete staircase, built with a formwork by a masonry contractor. This determines the shape of the staircase and, with the right dosage of concrete, ensures that the structure will stand the test of time.
When planning the construction of a new staircase with a masonry company, if you choose to create it in a concrete monoblock, simply specify that the Marius Aurenti micro concrete coating will represent 2mm thickness on steps and 1 to 2 mm on the stair stringers and undersides.
Once the staircase has been formworked and poured, and the concrete is fully cured (i.e. with less than 4% moisture content), the micro concrete can be applied.
This installation requires more or less intense sanding with a diamond surfacer or 40-grit grit sanding to perfect the surface, removing spalls, runs and other roughness defects.
As masonry concrete is a porous product, porous substrate primer must be applied to prepare the surface.
Rendez-nous visite au stand D98,
Hall 7 du 5 au 9 septembre
Parc des Expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte.
Inspiration Marius Aurenti
Sublime project in this Marseille house with a floor in Marius Aurenti waxed concrete in Colette blue; it offers perfect continuity between the rooms.
Le béton ciré millimétrique offre une grande liberté de personnalisation et permet de faire aboutir, avec performance et élégance, chaque projet de décoration.
Le carreau de béton Carqis Marius Aurenti, innove dans sa matière pour apporter une singularité et une esthétique nouvelle. Conçu en béton fibré haute performance et disponible en 20 couleurs.
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